Venus Williams Is Allegedly Still A Virgin


Virginity at 40 isn’t believable in the current world where people get into relationships as early as in their teens. However, we do have a few who’ve seemingly broken the norm. One of these honorable women includes Venus William, a 7-time grand slam winner, who is confirming that it’s indeed possible to be a virgin even at 40. 

According to the inside source, the 40-year-old tennis star is still a virgin, and you might be wondering how could that be possible. Well, it’s all been driven by faith and religion. Venus Williams is sticking to her strict Jehovah’s Witness upbringing, which doesn’t allow sex before marriage.

Not all women in Jehovah’s Witness adhere to the rule, and, therefore, Venus Williams is a special type. Unlike Venus, Serena, Venus’ sister did not abide by the rule of sex before marriage. Serena had numerous relationships before she finally decided to settle down and gave birth to a daughter.

That only means, Venus must have been disciplined from childhood, sticking to what she had been taught. But of what benefit has it been to her in the long-run? Well, as for status yes, because she’s among the women who’ve proven that it’s possible to be virgin even at 40. However, she should have been married before her sister, especially that she kept herself for her husband, unlike her sister, who had multiple relationships before marriage.

“It is funny because Venus decided as a child that she would wait until she finds her husband before having sex, Serena did not go that route. But it turns out that Serena is married while Venus is still looking for a husband,” the source said.

According to the source, Venus is currently dating and her family hopes that this time around it will turn into a marriage. They’ll all be happy when she finally says I do to her dream husband if at all she had one in mind.

Recently, a Jamaican man offered Serena Williams acres of marijuana if she would divorce her husband and marry him. In case Serena doesn’t take up the Jamaican’s offer, maybe she should extend it to Venus Williams instead. It best suits Venus than Serena, though opinions and choices differ. He might not be the quality husband for Venus.