Ohio’s K-12 Public Schools Got Cuts; Private, Charter Schools Got Cash!

ThePatch.com, By Susan Tebben & Tyler Buchanan Ohio Capital Journal, Posted July 28th 2020 Ohio educators were at home celebrating

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DNC Chairman Says Florida Dems Did ‘The Right Thing’ Returning PPP loan. Ohio Dems Are Keeping Theirs!

FEATURED PHOTO: DAVID PEPPER, OHIO DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIRMAN Cincinnati.com, By Jessie Balmert-CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, Posted July 27th 2020 Democratic National Committee

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Black And Latino Businesses Disproportionately Denied Pandemic Relief Loans, Survey Finds!

TheRoot.com, By Zach Linly, Posted June 26th 2020 The Paycheck Protection Program, part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic

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